Name the new topic… A general error occurred while attempting to insert the picture. Increase the Notebook application memory size may help. The picture in the clipboard is too big to insert. Increase the Notebook application memory size. A picture already exists for this topic. Delete the old picture first, then insert the new one. An error occured while copying the picture from the Clipboard. There is no picture in the Clipboard that can be inserted here. Copy a picture to the Clipboard first. This does not appear to be a valid Notebook or Command Set file. You cannot edit this file. An error occured when trying to open the Notebook file—the file could not be opened. Try again. Add Resource error ocurred. This happened when copying a necessary resource to the new Notebook. Update Resource File error ocurred.This happened when copying a necessary resource to the new Notebook. Memory Full error ocurred. This happened when copying a necessary resource to the new Notebook. An error occured when trying to add a resource to the new Notebook. An error occured while trying to copy the list of 'styl' & 'TEXT' resources to the new Notebook. An error occured while trying to copy the list of topic labels to the new Notebook. An error occured while trying to copy the text style information to the new Notebook. An error occured while trying to copy the text of the current topic to the new Notebook. An empty file error occured. An error occured while trying to copy a needed resource to the new Notebook. Try again. That file is already open — it cannot be replaced. Sorry, an error occured while trying to perform that action. Error while attempting to create the Text file. That file can't be replaced. Not enough memory to continue with the search process. Try increasing the Application Memory Size in the ‘Get Info’ window. Cannot do a Paste. Cannot exceed 32,000 characters. Cannot create a window. Not enough memory to do Paste. Cannot exceed 32,000 characters with Paste. Cannot do a Copy. Cannot do a Cut. Not enough memory to do a Cut. Not enough memory available to run this Notebook. Increase the Application Memory Size in the ‘Get Info’ window (or try it without Virtual Memory). The Application Memory Size is too small. Increase it in the Finders ‘Get Info’ window. You must run the Notebook on a Macintosh 512Ke or later.